An audit tool that delivers an immediate, exportable view of security control effectiveness.

It delivers:

  • On-demand cyber vulnerability & maturity assessment, to measure your security compliance against the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) Essential Eight framework.
  • Cost and time savings for Security & Risk teams – know your cyber maturity rating in minutes.
  • An evidential trail of performance, pinpointing the areas of concern, giving visibility to both IT and Executive teams.
  • Automated and accurate reporting on the status of your risk management efforts against the Essential Eight controls.
  • A comprehensive ‘to-do’ list of issues for resolution for your Security & Risk team.

It features:

  • Real-time collection and analysis of log, event and system data
  • Highly flexible architecture that supports high-volume data flow
  • Clear security intelligence displays for ease of data driven investigation
  • Integrated incident management capabilities to investigate, escalate and resolve potential threats
  • Role-based access controls and audit trails with evidential replays of all activities.


Read by directors, executives, and security professionals globally, operating in the most complex of security environments.